Case Study: Wteya's 100 LPH MVR System Implementation for Oil Company in South America

Case Study: Wteya's 100 LPH MVR System Implementation for Oil Company in South America



Wteya, a leading oil company in South America, faced challenges in managing and treating wastewater generated during its oil extraction and production processes. With a commitment to environmental sustainability and regulatory compliance, Wteya sought to invest in an innovative solution. The company opted for a 100 liters per hour (LPH) Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) system to treat and recycle wastewater efficiently.


The primary objective for Wteya was to develop a sustainable and cost-effective solution for wastewater treatment and recycling. The company aimed to minimize environmental impact, comply with stringent environmental regulations, and reduce operational costs associated with wastewater disposal.


  1. Wastewater Quality: The wastewater generated from oil extraction and production processes contained various contaminants, including hydrocarbons, suspended solids, and dissolved minerals, making it challenging to treat and recycle.

  2. Environmental Compliance: Wteya needed to ensure compliance with local and international environmental regulations governing wastewater discharge and disposal.

  3. Operational Costs: Traditional wastewater treatment methods were expensive and often required significant energy consumption, increasing operational costs for Wteya.


Wteya partnered with a renowned environmental engineering firm to design and install a customized 100 LPH MVR system tailored to its specific wastewater treatment needs. The MVR system incorporated the following key components and features:

  1. High-Efficiency Evaporator: The MVR system featured a high-efficiency evaporator that utilized mechanical vapor compression to evaporate and concentrate wastewater, separating contaminants from the water.

  2. Advanced Filtration: To remove suspended solids, hydrocarbons, and dissolved minerals from the wastewater, the system incorporated advanced filtration technologies such as ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.

  3. Energy-Efficient Design: The MVR system was designed with energy-efficient pumps, motors, and heat exchangers, reducing energy consumption and operating costs for Wteya.

  4. Modular and Scalable: The modular design of the MVR system allowed for easy scalability, accommodating future increases in wastewater treatment capacity as Wteya's operations expanded.


  1. Effective Wastewater Treatment: The implementation of the 100 LPH MVR system enabled Wteya to treat and recycle a significant portion of its wastewater, reducing the volume of wastewater requiring disposal and minimizing environmental impact.

  2. Environmental Compliance: The MVR system helped Wteya achieve compliance with local and international environmental regulations, avoiding potential fines and penalties associated with wastewater discharge violations.

  3. Cost Savings: By recycling treated wastewater and reducing the need for costly disposal methods, Wteya realized substantial cost savings in wastewater management and operational expenses.

  4. Sustainability Achievements: The MVR system's energy-efficient design and water recycling capabilities contributed to Wteya's sustainability goals, reducing its environmental footprint and conserving natural resources.


Wteya's investment in a customized 100 LPH MVR system has proven to be a strategic and sustainable solution for wastewater treatment and recycling in its oil extraction and production operations in South America. The successful implementation of the MVR system has enabled Wteya to improve environmental performance, achieve regulatory compliance, and realize cost savings, reaffirming its commitment to environmental stewardship and operational excellence in the oil industry.